Kodak Office as viewed from State St. |
Kodak Office as viewed from Platt St. |
The "rockets" atop the Kodak Tower steeple are at the base of the steeple's 8-sided facade.
The nest box and cameras are located at the bottom of the picture. -Jim Pisello |
Nest Box Location at the Kodak Office building.
-Birdcam 2001 |
To the west of the nest box is a Kodak parking lot.
-Birdcam 2001 |
To the north of the Kodak tower is Kodak Park and Lake Ontario.
-Cornpoppy |
From their "skybox" seats, the falcons have a terrific view of
Frontier Field, the home of Rochester's Red Wings baseball
team and Rhinos soccer team.
-Birdcam 2001 |
Here's another falcon view from their nest box.
-Birdcam 2001 |
That first step is a doozie - 22 stories straight down!
-Birdcam 2001 |
Panoramic view of the Rochester skyline as seen from the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge.
-Demaris |
Huge aerial photo of Kodak Office and vicinity
-Gary F |
High Falls area as viewed from Kodak building SE of tower
-Cornpoppy |
Landmarks in Camera 2's field of view
-jat |
Landmarks in Camera 3's field of view
-jat |
Landmarks in Camera 4's field of view
-jat |
Brü (formerly Empire) Brewpub, a local hangout with its own microbrewery,
at the corner of State St. and Platt St.
-Jim Pisello |
Jimmy Mac's, a nice place to grab a burger and a beer, is adjacent to the Pont
de Rennes bridge.
-Jim Pisello |
The entrance to the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge, looking east.
Jimmy Mac's is on the left.
-Jim Pisello |
Railroad tracks on the east end of the pedestrian bridge, looking north.
-Demaris |
Pedestrian bridge as seen from the railroad tracks.
-Demaris |
The High Falls of the Genesee river and the High Falls Gorge, as seen
from the foot bridge. -Jim Pisello |
A nice shot of the High Falls. To the right of the falls is an overlook
and the Gorsline Building, a long-abandoned shoe factory that is now being renovated into
office space and a festival site. -Jim Pisello |
The RG&E Smokestacks as seen from the bridge. The Kodak Tower is just
to the left of the tallest stack.
-Jim Pisello |
The State Street/High Falls Parking Garage.
-Jim Pisello |
The radio towers, located south of Kodak Office, are favorite hangouts
for the falcons.
-Jim Pisello |
The Xerox Tower, located approximately 1 mile SE of Kodak Office. |
The top of the Chase Tower, located approximately 3/4 mile SE of Kodak Office.
-Jim Pisello |
A close-up view of the Chase Tower |
An extreme close-up view of the Chase Tower |
The top of the Times Square Building, located approximately 1/2 mile SE of Kodak Office,
houses Rochester's sole remaining daily newspaper, The Democrat and Chronicle. It has a unique,
4-finned art-deco finial.
-Jim Pisello |
The Times Square Building as viewed from across the Genesee river just south of Main St.
To the left is building with a bell tower. Atop the tower is a statue of Mercury. |
First Federal Plaza, located approximately 1/2 mile SE of Kodak Office, has a revolving restaurant atop it.
The restaurant has closed, but it's still clearly visible. The elevator shaft visible on the left
corner of the building used to be a favorite perch for Cabot-Sirocco.
-Jim Pisello |
First Federal Plaza,the Crossroads Building, and the Times Square Building in the
background between them as viewed from the east bank of the Genesee River |